Blogger theme is a great looking Drupal 7 theme that has a very clean, sleek and minimal design yet it is still pretty modern and elegant looking. This theme has a very minimalistic design that is ideal for bloggers, portfolios, freelancers, and entrepreneurs.
Its a very sleek solution that will make any site really stand out and look fantastic. The theme is completely responsive, and has been tested on the iPhone and iPad for optimal performance. This is an all around great theme, useful for almost any project.
- Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Theme
- Simple, Minimal and Clean Design
- 1-column and 2-columns layout
- Mobile support (Smartphone, Tablet, Android, iPhone, etc)
- Flex Image Slideshow with Caption (Customizable)
- Multi-level drop-down menus (Multilingual menu)
- HTML5 & super clean markup
- A total of 12 block regions
- Drupal standards compliant and Supported standard theme features
- Google Font and nice typography
- Ideal for business, company and portfolio sites
- Detailed CSS rules for Typography, Forms Elements, Node Teaser, Comments, etc.